
Join us on Handshake - the premiere career and networking portal used by colleges, universities, and employers in the United States and beyond. One of the most important features of Handshake is its ability to connect you with employers in order to create meaningful connections and networking opportunities that could potentially result in you securing a position within your desired career industry but there is so much more! Click here to get started by registering with your @springfieldcollege.edu email address! 

Here are a few resources from Handshake to help you get started! 


FOCUS Link: https://www.focus2career.com/Portal/Login.cfm?SID=553

An online career assessment tool that analyzes interests, skills, values, personality, educational preferences, and leisure activities to allow students to investigate occupations matching their profiles.

*Note: In order to gain access you will need to enter the institutional access code springfield87 at the prompt.


Buzzfile Link Business Management:http://www.buzzfile.com/Major/Business-Management

Buzzfile Link Human Development and Family Studies: http://www.buzzfile.com/Major/Human-Development.And.Family-Studies

Buzzfile Link Criminal Justice: http://www.buzzfile.com/Major/Criminal-Justice

Buzzfile Link Criminal Law: http://www.buzzfile.com/Major/Criminal-Law

Buzzfile Link Education: http://www.buzzfile.com/Major/Education

Contains links providing information about major employers that coincide with Regional and Online Campuses majors and concentrations.