Disability & Accessibility Services is excited to announce the launch of AIM (Accessible Information Management) -- our new online accommodation management portal.  New DAS students can register online to request accommodations and submit their documentation securely.  Returning students can manage their accommodations each semester for each course all in one place.

Register for DAS Online

  1. Visit https://accessiblelearning.com/springfield and log-in using your Springfield College credentials.

  2. Complete the "New Student Application."

  3. After submitting your application, you can upload supporting documentation directly to your application.  Review our Documentation Guidelines for assistance.

Need additional time to gather documentation?  No problem!  We'll send you a link to use later, or you can email documentation any time to ascdas@springfield.edu.

DAS will review your application, assign a primary DAS advisor, and invite you to schedule in intake with them by email. At your intake, we will review your eligibility for accommodations based on the information provided. If eligible, we will work collaboratively to develop an appropriate accommodation plan based on your self-report and supporting documentation. At this or a subsequent appointment, we will discuss next steps and provide any trainings necessary to access your accommodations effectively each semester.

Need assistance?  Contact us at ascdas@springfield.edu